Monday, 14 April 2008

Model as prey. Artist as hawk.

The artist's predatory gaze, the menacing background elements, the violence of simplistic colours, the huge format size and the scribbly speed of execution all add up to a kind of menacing of the model. At the time (Elizabeta, chalk pastel on canvas (I know, I know, I must be mad) 100 x 120, 2007) I was really questioning what we were doing all standing around our easels with a naked person in front of us. At the Academy I never questioned the innocence of the practice. But last year the complex questions circulating in my mind resolved themselves into a kind of violence for a while. Artist as hawk. Model as prey. Strange.
a bientot


alberto valentini said...

Your hunting for the sketch, which no doubt you have found. To succeed in this format is worthy of praise. looks great.

Jane Walker said...

Aha - yes hunting - to continue the analogy. Thank you. Must go back to the big formats before I forget the way this studio with its spaciousness originally inspired me to do them.

Anonymous said...

Like the colors and sketchy style to this piece. My Sister commented today on how nice your chalk pastel nude is that I have here of yours. I so love it ! :)

Jane Walker said...

Thank you Sheri - I must catch up with your blog I have been away. Will do so later...